P.O. Box 756
Kern County
James Groundwater Storage and Recovery Project
Information provided is subject to change at any time and without notice.
The James Groundwater Storage and Recovery Project (referred to herein as the Project) located on land also known as McAlister Ranch includes construction and operation of shallow recharge ponds totaling approximately 1,800 acres, water conveyance facilities, and up to 14 groundwater wells and well pumping plants. Prior to final design of the Project, data will be obtained to determine feasible percolation rates for the Project. Operation of the Project includes storing water in belowground aquifers during times of surplus for later recovery of up to 50,000 acre-feet per year during times of need or to assist with overdraft correction.

The Project includes water conveyance to and from the Project property using available capacity in any of the canals and facilities
that may be available to deliver water to the Project property, including, but not limited to, the Cross Valley Canal, Kern River,
Friant-Kern Canal, California Aqueduct, Buena Vista Canal, 2,800-Acre Project, Pioneer Project, Kern Water Bank, Berrenda Mesa
Project, and Kern River Canal, subject to applicable rules and regulations. The Project will be constructed, operated, and managed
by BVWSD and RRBWSD; although, day-to-day operations, or portions thereof, may be contracted to other parties.

It is estimated that approximately 1,800 acres of the 2,070-acre Project property will be used for direct groundwater recharge as
part of the Project, and that nearby lands on the Kern River Fan within approximately three miles of the Project, may be used for in-lieu and direct recharge and potential recovery. It is further estimated that up to 250,000 acre-feet of water per year could be recharged during wet years.

Sources of water for recharge during operation of the Project include water from the Kern River, Friant-Kern Canal, State Water
Project, Central Valley Project, flood water, and possibly other sources that may be available to BVWSD or RRBWSD from time to